You are going to become a social worker or a counselor and learn what you need to obtain a Michigan social worker license. Or, if you are looking for a social worker you can use social worker license lookup Michigan. Moreover, learn how to use social work license lookup Michigan or Michigan social work license lookup tools.
The requirements for social workers vary from requirements of counselor. You can become a social worker with a bachelor’s degree, but for a counselor you will need to complete a master’s degree. But, you can change your profile and become a counselor if you want.
Here you can find the requirements for both professions.
To obtain a license you should apply to the Michigan Board of Counseling.
For your social worker license you should apply to the Michigan Board of Social Work.
For your RSST license, you should complete 2 years of college education, apply for the LSST license. Board will send you the instructions on how to complete a background check. And, gain 2.000 hours of supervised experience.
For the LBSW license, firstly, you will need to obtain a LLBSW license. Board will send you the instructions on how to complete a background check. And, complete 4.000 hours of supervised social work experience, and pass the ASWB bachelor’s exam.
For the LMSW license, firstly you should apply for the LLMSW license and complete a background check. After that, complete 4.000 hours of supervised social work experience and pass the ASWB licensing exam.
In Michigan, if you have 2 years of college education you can apply for the Registered Social Service Technician license. For the Licensed Bachelor’s Social worker or Licensed Master’s Social worker licenses accordingly you will need to have a bachelor’s or master’s degree.
As an unlicensed social worker, you can provide supervised service to each client as you help manage their case. On the other hand, you can search jobs and work as an assistant for the licensed social worker.
Moreover, if you have at least 2 years of college education you can apply for the LSST license and gain work experience. After that, you can apply for the Registered Social Service Technician license.