Michigan Banned License Plates
If you bought a vehicle, then you need to consider proceeding to the registration process in the State of Michigan. After succeeding the vehicle registration, you need to get a license plate for it. Getting a license plate is not so difficult. But it is a step you need to be very careful about. The state has its own regulations upon the combinations of the future license plates. So, the Department of Transportation can refuse your chosen license plate. This can happen if the plate is not appropriate according to state law.
The license plate types in Michigan
There are 2 separate license plates’ types in the State of Michigan:
- “Standard” (which includes “Standard Passenger” and “Non-Passenger Plate”)
- “Specialty” (which includes “Military Plate”)
The first type is for almost all the owners of vehicles in Michigan. On the other hand, the second is mostly for the groups and different organizations that own a vehicle.
You may apply for the plate online, via Email, or in person. To look up your license plate, you may visit the Michigan Department of Transportation in person. You may also look it up online.
The fees for the license plates can vary from $5 to $448 (this includes also a 3-year renewal fee).
Banned Custom Plates In The State Of Michigan
The license plates in the state can have seven characters. Yet, there are some types which design allows to have only six.
Choosing an appropriate vanity plate is not so easy as it requires you to be very attentive. So, there are some points that you should follow while applying for the wanted custom plate. Here is the list of the qualifications that are most likely to be rejected by the State Department of Transportation:
- Any combination (including vulgar or sexual content).
- A plate containing offensive phrases.
- A combination that includes some references to alcohol, body parts, drugs, violence, etc.
- The offensive phrases referring to ethnic or racial groups and minorities. This also includes hate speech.
The vanity plate combinations can vary from state to state. But you may meet almost the same reasons for the rejection, for example, in the State of Connecticut.
Examples Of The Prohibited Custom Plates
Here you may see some prohibited combinations. The State Department of Transportation refused to approve them for a certain reason.
- “BEEER”, “ABEER”, “ALCOHOL”, “CHIVAS”, etc . This is to prove that the state will deny any type of combination containing a reference to “Alcohol”.
- There is an interesting fact that some drivers use the quote “avian fecal”. This is most likely to prevent droppings.
- “H8HONDA”, “H8FORD”, “H8HILLRY”, “H8LIBRLS”, etc. The Michigan Department of Transportation refused these combinations because of the hate speech. It refers both to the vehicle manufacturer and to the politicians.
- “SPEEDR”, “ISPEED” were rejected as they contain an appeal to violation of the law.
- A combination such as “RACIST” does not need any explanation for the refusal.
- The State Department of Transportation prohibited “FCKD”, “FCKITT”, “FCKGAS”, etc. Because they contain vulgar and sexual content.
The fee for the custom plates is the same as for a regular plate. But it also contains an extra fee of $30. It is an annual fee for the service.
Anahit V
Anahit has three main professions: Arabist, Content writer, SMM specialist. She has graduated from the Faculty of Oriental studies, Department of Arabic studies. She has also graduated from Kuwait State University, a one-year course- “Arabic for Foreigners”. She speaks four languages and the desire of self-development, writing skills, working with foreign languages and using her whole potential brought her to the huge world of Digital Marketing. She gained a new profession as an SMM specialist and Content writer. During a short time, she has written some articles for LicenseLookup.org, and several other websites, and guest posts also. She knows that the reader may appreciate simple and available information about a certain topic that he/she looks for. So, she writes only Google-friendly articles that have a good readability rank. Anahit uses some important tools that can help to optimize the content.